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Concho Natives LLC
 Call us at: (325)656-2884
or Email: conchonatives@gmail.com
Growing Native and Adaptable Perennials and Annuals for the Concho Valley.
Most plants are grown on site, in the Concho Valley or from the surrounding area. 
This helps our plants be more likely to thrive in our landscapes of the Concho Valley. 
We also offer experienced advice and on site Consults and Design  for the Do It Yourself (DIY) home owner or will work the facilitate install with your contractor or on of ours.  
In addition, as space is available we handle contract growing for companies that need greenhouse environment to raise seedlings.

Concho Natives ® 799 Abernathy Rd., San Angelo, TX 76905

Participating Business with Touchstone Energy Cooperative present your Co-op Connection Card for a 10% discount on regular priced items. 

 Industry Sponsor for People/Plant Connection: present your PPC Membership card for a 10% discount on regular priced items.

Participating Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center Associate Program
Discount to WFC Members: 10% discount to Members,  ID required 

Minimum $10.00 purchase, does not apply to other discounts or sales promotions. 

 Proper maintenance will help your landscape survive. Raise mowers to 3-4 inches during summer months, water turf a full one inch and this should be good for a week. 
Amend planting beds with 2-3" of compost prior to planting and then mulch with a mulch of your choice 3-4" after planting. Drip irrigation is the most effiecent way to water and healthier for your plants. 
799 Abernathy Rd
San Angelo, TX 76905
off FM 388, 3 miles east of GAFB, Paintrock Road

Rainwater Harvesting Collection Formula
catchment area "roof" x 0.6 x rain amount = rainwater harvested

Exp: 2000 sq. ft roof x 0.6 x 1" rainfall = 1200 Gallons rainwater
         (2000 x 0.6 x 1 = 1200)
Interested in learning more about our services?
Contact Us

2025 Opening  
March 28th
Fridays and Saturdays
Follow our Facebook page for urgent closings due to weather.
Available for landscape consults or Q&A year round:  email conchonatives@gmail.com
Message us on Facebook messenger or give us a call

We accept check, cash 
and credit cards.
Spring Check List

1. Do deep watering each time, one inch per watering (planting beds and turf) every seven days if no rain.

2. Plant shrubs, trees and winter hardy perennials/annuals.  Once threat or freeze are over can begin planting summer perennials/annuals 

3. Replenish Mulch as needed.

4. Deep water mature trees monthly, young trees at once a week.  

5. Check irrigation system for leaks, do repairs if needed.

6.  Trim back last years perennials.   

7. Pray for Rain. 

Deer Resistant Plants

Ornamentals Grasses
Salvia Greggi (autumn Sage)
Blackfoot Daisy
Four Nerve Daisy
Woody Stemodia
Bear Grass
May Night Salvia
Rock Rose Pavonia
Yellow Bells
​Society Garlic
Native Lantana
Most Sage

During extreme drought, most anything is game. 

Save the Date: 
2025 Opening March 28th 

CVMG Plant Sale: 

Open Seasonally:  Good Friday (this changes due to weather) thru first weekend in October (watch site for updates) or follow us on Facebook
Member: Texas Nursery and Landscape Association
NEW: We are now doing landscape design and working with contractors to install, contact us to discuss your project.